Holiday Spirit Week

Teressa Leahy

Every year, Lake Shore Student Congress comes up with a Christmas Spirit Week. The purpose is to get students in the mood and spirit for Christmas while bringing everyone together for the holidays. The spirit week is from Monday, December 13th to Friday, December 17th.

Monday kicks off Spirit Week with Christmas PJ Day. PJ Day is when you get to wear your pajamas to school. You could either wear the ones you went to bed in or put on a fresh new pair. Hopefully, the latter.

Next is Tuesday which is Winter Attire Wear. Students should wear anything like jackets or coats and other accessories that keep you warm and cozy. 

You can’t forget Ugly Sweater Day on Wednesday. Students should find the ugliest over the top sweater ever and then wear it proudly to school. 

Then, we have Thursday. Thursday is all about Holiday Color Day. Find your best shades of red and green as well as all of your other favorite holiday colors. 

Last, but not least, Friday is Santa’s Workshop Day. Dress up as your favorite character from any Christmas Movie, Christmas Show, or anything that has to do with the Christmas Season. Students will be dressed like elves, Santa, Mrs. Clause, etc.

Lake Shore Students should start preparing now for next week’s spirit-filled days!