Why LS Students Should Go To Sixth Grade Camp
April 11, 2022
Being a 6th grade camp cabin leader does not only help you to build up your college transcripts but is also a very fun experience.
At the YMCA Storer Camps, you have a variety of activities to do with your sixth graders such as visiting the horse barn, archery, square dancing, campfires, team building challenges, and even some survival skills like how to build shelter and make fire. Every day, you are given a schedule on which activities you are doing that day and where they are on the property. As a cabin leader, you will have to wake up and make sure your group is where your supposed to be at the time you need to be there.
Handling 10-12 children sounds like a lot of responsibility and work, but you are offered lots of help. Many sixth grade teachers and the camp staff are always around if you need something. There are also usually two cabin leaders per cabin and two cabins will travel together so most of the time meaning you will have three other high school counselors to help you out.
All cabin leaders stay with their group in their cabins. If there is a second cabin leader, then the two leaders will share a bunk. Lights out is at 10:00 for everyone, so you have to make sure your sixth graders are in bed quiet. The teachers who attend camp will often do checkups throughout the night to make sure that there are no issues.
Your main job is to make sure your group has fun and enjoys their time at camp. You don’t have to but you are allowed to bring cards or board games to play when you have some free time at your cabin. Many leaders brought games like UNO to bring your kids together and have some fun.
The best part about being a cabin leader was the feeling of being a sixth grader again and not having to worry about anyone judging you. Most activities are also available for the counselors to participate in.
Personally, my favorite part of the three day trip was the night we had a square dance. Others such as Lake Shore Junior Mira Helsel, say that her favorite part of camp was doing archery.
This year’s camp was pushed back to March because of the recent covid-19 restrictions but next year’s camp is supposed to take place either the last week of September or the first week of November. All you have to do is pick up an application from the office, get teacher recommendations, and then you get three days off of school and an exciting time with sixth graders.