Ingrida Kamis is Lake Shore’s newest art teacher. Kamis teaches AP Art, Advanced Art, Draw and Design, and Intro to Visual Art. She is also the Art Club advisor.
“When I went into art school, I already knew I was going to do education,” Kamis said.
She went to school at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit, Michigan, and graduated in 2008.
“The largest thing I’ve done is I made a huge graph. It was ten feet by eight feet. It was an interactive art installation. I made these balls that were made with paper mache money, you could slide them up and down following different graphs I made about financial decisions in your life.” she said.
However, Kamis’ trajectory took her to other places first. She said, “I worked as a curator in Colorado.”
Before she came to Lake Shore she was previously in school at College For Creative Stripes in Detroit for five years. This college was not Kamis’s first pick as there was another shiny gem in Chicago nut to to travel and cost it was not an option so she settled for the one here in Detroit. Kamis has also been to thousands of high school art rooms and has even been to Argentina for recruiting.
“My favorite part of being an art recruiter was seeing all the portfolios and creativity these young students had. One year I got to travel to Florida and what I would do was visit these high schools around Florida,” Kamis said.
Kamis fell in love with Lake Shore due to its creative opportunities and potential. She said she would love to have more art classes like pottery and sculpting in the future. These are her favorite activities along with painting.
Kamis said she was drawn to Lake Shore because of the friendly environment and welcoming staff. She was very pleased to get the chance to work here and wants to make Lake Shore’s art program better than it ever has been. She’s hoping to see amazing transformations in years to come.