Do you remember October 27 2014? Well, that’s when 1989 first came out. The album was a huge success winning a total of 3 Grammys putting Taylor Swift at 2nd in the world for most Grammys won on an album (for females).
Knowing that, you must have been excited to hear 1989 TV was coming out the same date this year. The fun memories of you and your friends listening to the album and watching the music videos for the first time must bring a warm joy knowing you were going and will keep making new memories with the same and new friends.
The album itself was an amazing experience for the listeners as Swift has made this rerelease of the album even better than the first. Between adding extra base to being able to hear Swift belt out her 10 year old high notes every second of the re-recorded songs sounds new.
Now to the best part of the album, the vault tracks! These hit so hard, 3 out of the 6 songs went viral on Tiktok in just hours of its release. “Is It Over Now” , this was a song that went viral almost right after the song came out. From Tic-Toc to the radio this vault track is if not the best song off the album. For her Swifties, Swift made this song as a sister song to an older one off the album called “Out Of the Woods”. The beat and outro left fans happy to hear the beat sync up with a 10 year old track and amazes them to see how she can mash up 10 year old work and make it sound new.
The overall sound of this album is beautiful as being able to hear 10 year old songs redone and sound new is and almost different brings back so many good memories for us Swifties and Taylor Swift fans.
Even if you’re not into Swift’s music, we all know the 1989 album. Whether it’s “Shake it off”, or “Style”, or even “Bad blood”, we all know Swift’s amazing hits off this album.