During our childhood, many things made us further enjoy the quality of being kids. Snacking was a huge part of being a kid, from Lunchables to goldfish, and cheez-itz- to fruit punch and juice and cookies. Unfortunately, snack companies discontinued many of these snacks due to unfortunate reasons. Lake Shore students had a lot to say about these discontinued snacks.
Lake Shore Senior TJ Lyon said, “Crystal Pepsi was so good.”
Crystal Pepsi was around for a while and it was a great-selling product for the first few years. This product slowly was sold less so it was discontinued in 1994 and has seen many re-releases as new attempts at the concept. It’s not as good as when it first came out.
One of the more popular choices for childhood snacks was Bug Juice, Brady Nicholl, senior, said “Bug juice was one of the better childhood snacks.”
Bug Juice is a drink specifically designed to appeal to kids. Bug juice was on shelves until only a few years ago when it was recalled for containing metals and plastics. They then cleared all shelves of this product and it is now an online-only purchase.
So many great childhood snacks, but none are as missed as the Oreo Cakesters.
Talon Madonia, senior, said, “The texture made the flavor of the Oreo 10x better.”
The “Cakesters” came out in 2007 and they were sold for five years before Nabisco randomly cut the line. The company gave no reason and still to this day they haven’t given a reason. Recently, the Oreo Cakesters have made their return and many consumers are very excited about this decision.
All of these big companies are just starting to bring back consumer-requested classics. These classics will bring back the childhood joy adults had when they were little. Snacking has never been better and the best of the best is coming back.