Working in fast food is always a great option for a first job. It’s one of the most common first jobs for teenagers. Jobs like fast food help students learn important skills they’ll need later on such as customer service, teamwork, and how to handle stressful situations.
Cyber Fetko, sophomore, said, “I work at McDonald’s and I hate working there for several reasons. I don’t get enough hours and they don’t acknowledge my personal schedule that I give them when I say I need days off. It’s just an agitating environment.”
It’s incredibly common for people who work in fast-food restaurants to complain. Very often fast food jobs are a bad work environment and very toxic and stressful. I personally have worked in two different fast-food restaurants and could say the same as Fetko.
Fetko continued, “I’d say the only part of my job I enjoy is the conversations I have with customers. You learn about people’s lives, and their takes on things, and meet nice people who call you pretty and cool at the window. Overall I’m trying to get a new job anyways but it’s just not worth the check.”
Clare Archer responded with, “I work at Culver’s and it’s very fun! My coworkers are also in high school and I like talking with them since we’re in the same age range. They’re super nice and easy to talk to.”
There are always two sides to a story and even though, yes, fast food jobs can be awful, they can also be fun and exciting.
Archer continued, “Culver’s is a positive work environment. My coworkers are very friendly and I enjoy my time with them. Even when things are stressful, they’re always extremely helpful.”
Finding a job you enjoy is mostly a lot of trial and error, but even with bad jobs you learn a lot of new things and can even make new friends