Senior year brings a lot of special events and memories. This year one of them involves going on spring break trips to end the year with friends and travel.
Going to new places with great friends is a tradition for many seniors. Senior, Joseph Quinn, said it was caused by, “High expectations set by either parents or older siblings.”
There is a lot of social pressure set by friends and family to do something extravagant. This year was quite lavish for some seniors. For Quinn it wasn’t only different in size, but also location. Quinn stated, “Yes, my group size changed from one to two since this is my first year not going alone.”
Quinn said the most memorable part was, “ Seeing the tropical environment of Hawaii.”
This is a time to do something amazing that you would remember forever. Many other seniors had memorable trips with varying reasons why. In contrary to Quinn, senior, Bella Figurski, was in Florida with her friends.
She said, “My break was special because I got to spend it with the people I care about.”
Figurski soaked in time and sun with her friends. It means a lot to the senior class to see these people as much as you can before we all start our adult lives. Reinforcing this idea, Figurski says, “I think everyone idolizes spring break because it’s your last hoorah with all your best friends. It’s almost like a goodbye, a chance to all party and live it up before you part ways.”
Whether you go to Hawaii with a small group and embrace your beautiful surroundings or go to Florida with your whole crew enjoying the people around you more than anything, your spring break of senior year should be unique and special to you.