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Season one and two of You are loosely based off Caroline Kepnes novels, You and Hidden Bodies. Both seasons became very popular as soon as they were put on Netflix.
The first season follows Joe Goldberg, a bookstore manager in New York, who meets Guinevere Beck (known as Beck), an upcoming writer. Soon after their meeting, Joe becomes obsessed with her. Joe uses social media to track and stalk Beck. He ends up finding out where she is going to be and manipulates running into her. Luckily enough for him, Beck falls for Joe’s tricks and games which eventually hurts her in the long run. Joe’s ex-girlfriend, Candace, ends up coming back from Italy, where she went after she and Joe broke up. She comes back and wants revenge on Joe for what he did to her.
Season two picks up right where season one left off. In season two, Joe moves from New York to Los Angeles to escape his past and start over. Joe meets Love Quinn and starts falling for her while showing his old patterns. He tries to make his relationship with Love succeed at all costs and to avoid the fate of his past relationships.
Throughout the season, the viewer learns more about Joe’s childhood and how traumatic it was from him. Joe wants to find the perfect girl to have the perfect family with because of how bad his family was. Candace ends up finding Joe, and she still wants revenge on what he did to her. There is an unexpected ending to season two.
Overall the producers did an excellent job on both seasons. Season one was very dark and gloomy, with the cinematography and filters adding to the creepy effect. Season two was more colorful and upbeat. Season one as a whole was portraying Joe as more of the killer he is. In season two, the viewer can see that he wants to do better for himself and not get back into his old habits.
When the first season came out on Netflix a lot of people watched, loved, and talked about it. Then when season two came out, everyone that watched season one watched and also loved season two. The viewers hyped up the first season when they finished watching it and then that hype carried over to the second season.
Hopefully, season three will pick up right where season two left off as it was recently announced that there will be a third season coming in 2021!