Making It Until June

Rebekah Reed, Staff Writer

The end of the school year has always been a time of year that most students and teachers lose motivation for anything related to school. Students may let their grades slip and teachers may stop grading as fast. 

A junior at Lake Shore High School, Isobel Wharff, said that she felt it was hard making it all the way until June because “Towards the end of school you just get burnt out.”

She also said, “April is when I lose most of my motivation because it gets warmer out.” 

That viewpoint is shared by others too. Junior, Monica Bezel, stated that, “April is when I stop trying as much.”  

Melissa Todaro, an upperclassmen teacher at Lake Shore, explained that the hardest time of the year is “After spring break, in April, because I know the end is near.” 

However, trying to stay motivated is a problem that occurs once students reach this point. Yet, Wharff said to keep herself motivated, “I know that if I don’t keep my grades up I know that at the end of the year, or I’ll be stressing myself out because I’ll be rushing to turn everything in.” 

Todaro also stated, “Just knowing that the end is near is motivating and the weather being nicer.” 

Another student at LSHS, Carlie Chamberlain, said to keep her motivated is “just knowing the end is near and that summer is right around the corner.”

Overall, keeping motivation for school can be hard, especially when the end is drawing near many students feel the drain of having to do the same routine everyday, but the simple fact of knowing the school year is close to ending is a comfort.