Lake Shore Public Schools Bond Passes

Rebekah Reed

On May 3rd, 2022, a bond of 66 million dollars to improve the Lake Shore Public Schools district was voted for and passed by the community of St. Clair Shores.

The bond proposal is a 66 million dollar project that has no-tax increase for any members of the city of St. Clair Shores. This project includes renovations of all Lake Shore Public Schools including; improvements on all instructional spaces, infrastructural needs, updates on community spaces and many more things.

The bond passed with a 62.3% acceptance rate, with only 37.7% of voters saying no.

One voter that voted yes said, “I think it’s just important for the education system. I want my son to be able to look back and know his mom voted.”

Superintendent, Dr. Joe DiPonio, would like to thank all that voted yes by saying, “Thank you Lake Shore! Great things to come for our students, staff, and community!”

The renovation is set to start as soon as school gets out and will be continuing into the years to come, but won’t disrupt any of the learning that will take place within that time frame.

The future of Lake Shore Public Schools is looking bright for many students, staff, and community members. Join in celebration of the bond passing because surely all students that attend these schools will benefit from it.