Looking Into Lake Shore’s Drama Club

Sarah Poma, Staff

On March 30, 31 and April 1st, Lake Shore’s Drama Club will be presenting DramaRama and its annual one act play festival. 

Patrick Akerley, has been the director of Lake Shore’s Drama Club for 11 years. He says, “This year includes two comedies by playwright Don Zolidis- OZ, a comedy performed by the high school Drama Club and 10 Ways to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse, performed by the middle school Drama Club. There will also be a variety of skits performed as well.”

Cameron Salk, senior, said, “This play is about when “Beth” journeys through Oz to get over her sister’s death.” 

Being a part of Drama Club is not only just about rehearsals and performing skits, but it’s also about growing as a group, making friends and building trust in one another.

Sara Milligan, sophomore, has been in Drama Club since the beginning of the 2021- 2022 school year. Milligan plays Glinda the Good Witch and Mallory. She says, “Its fun growing friendships in the club. I became friends with people I would have never met if not for the club. You meet a lot of new people and get to put on a show with them.” 

“People are able to explore creative possibilities and gain acting experience in the process,” says Akerley!

Salk plays the lion in Oz, along with playing an old man in a skit, has been in drama all four years of high school and one year and eighth grade. He says, “It’s a shame that i’m leaving and I can only hope that I’ve impacted the group, as I’ve been impacted by the group I first started out with.” 

Lake Shore High School’s Drama Club is a group of students from freshmen to seniors coming together to create an outstanding performance. In the past four years, Akerley and the members of Drama Club have performed: 12 Incompetent Jurors, Our Place, Disaster and Sherwood. 

Akerley releases, “In the fall, the play that we are hoping to put together is…. ADDAMS FAMILY!”