This year Shorian Competitive Cheerleaders are pushing themselves to make it to States.
The cheerleaders placed eighth at their 2023 Regionals and were three spots away from going to states. The team is striving to make it there this season.
Cheerleader Hannah Houth said, “…this team has a lot more drive than the other years, I think we all want it.”
The team’s biggest goal is to set new records. Coach Taormina said, “We want to be disciplined enough to do the work to have a chance to go farther in the postseason.
After the cheerleader’s sideline season, the team has become more confident and comfortable with each other. In sideline season the girls had camps and built their friendships to create a stronger team.
Cheerleader Emma Stacy said, “…Our team is really close, we have all cheered together…”
One of the team’s favorite rounds to compete is round three. Round three consists of tumbling, jumps, stunting, execution, and motions.
When Cheerleader Adysen Fluary was asked her favorite stunt sequence, Fluary said “My favorite sequence is a straight up, cupie, twist cradle…I really like saying the words that we say at that part. I get really into it and so does my stunt group.”
A common least favorite round for the team is round one. This round involves motions, jumps, and execution.
Cheerleader Isabella Figurski said, “…people don’t realize you have to be really tight and it’s harder than you think it is… that’s where we get the most points off.”
The cheer girls started the season with a big competitor. After the team had had the theme “Endgame”, the Marysville Cheer Team decided on the same theme.
Cheerleader Bella Misuraca said, “They took our theme and that’s really annoying.”
Another Lake Shore Cheerleading competitor for the girls is Utica. Fluary said, “… we were supposed to win the MAC White, but they beat us.”
Coach Taormina disagrees with the girls and says, “In competitive cheer, your biggest competitor is yourself. We’re offensive. We only have control over what we put on the mat.”
Though the season is not over, the team is working harder than ever to be the best team they can be.