Recently at Lake Shore, a very beloved and well known teacher, Phil Cerrasco, moved from his normal English position to a teaching position for the special education department.
This was very big news for students at Lake Shore because Cerrasco is very well known for connection with and becoming close with students.
Cerrasco states, “I’ve been teaching 9th grade English since 2012” which shows how dedicated he is as a teacher as that is just about 12 years doing the same thing.
There was an open position in the building so he had applied, had an interview and received the position shortly after.
Cerrasco had previously thought about working in special education at South Lake High School before he started teaching English. Eventually though, he realized that it was not meant for him at that point in his life.
Cerrasco stated that “being a young teacher I was always sad, I felt so bad for my students a lot of the time.”
He then went on to speak about how being an empathic person and working in a special education classroom can sometimes affect the way that you feel.
As Cerrasco has matured mentally and has learned how to teach throughout his many years with English he decided he has grown enough to face what might have challenged him before.
He has now taken Paige May’s position in her classroom, and he’s excited about what lies ahead for him and his teaching career.
Cerrasco’s position has been filled after coming back from Christmas break by Jessica Lesniak-Adam’s who is continuing his classes to finish off this school year and is permanently becoming a teacher for his class in the literature department.
You can always visit Carrasco in room 213 for any students that may have had him and are looking to chat.