Why are there so many accidents? Are people just ignorant and think they own the road, or is it because they lack the cautionary care for other people on the road? Everyone needs to pay better attention while they are driving.
Ermal Hodo, senior, said “I was hit in front of the Lake Shore auditorium exit/entrance.” People need to pay more attention and take their time. So many people almost get into accidents every day because their eyes aren’t on the road long enough.
For example, there was recently a horrible rollover accident at 16 Mile Road and Garfield. A family in a large SUV was traveling down 16 Mile when they realized their turn was coming up and took it way too fast. They probably weren’t paying the best attention to the road and where they were going.
This really helps prove a point to people not paying attention while driving. Whether it was because they were on their phone, or if they were messing with the radio, or even just zoning out, people just need to make sure they are paying attention to everything around them and make sure they stay in their lanes.