Lake Shore High School enacted a new free lunch policy due to Michigan’s updated education budget. The new program seems to be really helpful to some families.
Tyler Grego, junior, said, “I sometimes eat lunch here”
He continued, “It’s alright. It’s way better than always paying for it.”
Grego seems to enjoy the free lunch, so he doesn’t have to worry about always having money.
California Herod, junior, said, “Yeah, I think it is good for students or families that aren’t able to pay.”
Herod makes a good point for students or families who aren’t able to afford it, but seems like she can’t experience the breakfast because she doesn’t make it to school.
Madison Perkowski, junior, said, “I sometimes eat the school lunch.”
She continued, “The new lunch policy is okay. I think because people sometimes can’t financially support it and forget to give their kids money.”
Perkowski seems to know that parents forget to give students money or even put it on their lunch cards every day to eat.
Emma Huusko, junior, said, “It’s good because since Covid, some people lost their jobs financially.
Huusko makes a good statement. Covid could have been a tough time for parents who were losing jobs and had no income.
The new budget also includes a free breakfast for all students which many were unaware of.
Herod continued, “I did not know that, but I don’t get to school on time anyway.”
Huusko said, “No, I don’t get breakfast because my brother sometimes will make me eggs at home before school.”
Free lunch seems to be a good idea from the student’s point of view because Lake Shore is helping out tons of people by letting their first lunch be free. Even so, not a lot of people know breakfast is included, and this could help out people as well.