Is Valentine’s Day a valid holiday? It’s a question that stirs up a heart-shaped controversy every year. Some see it as a celebration of love, while others view it as a commercialized affair. Let’s dive into the history and debate surrounding this polarizing holiday.
Valentine’s Day traces back to ancient Rome with a festival called Lupercalia. Lupercalia was celebrated between February 13-15 promoting health and fertility and purifying the city. It was also called Februtus, where the month name February stemmed from. In the 5th century Pope Gelasius replaced it with St. Valentine’s Day but how did it become romantic? That would begin in the Middle Ages when it was believed that bird mating season was February 14, which connected it with love and romance. People started capitalizing on the holiday in the 19th century. That was when the production of Valentine’s Day cards and other gifts took off and what some might say, took over the holiday.
Now that the history is out of the way, what do the Shorians at Lakeshore view the holiday? After asking them a series of questions including their view on the holiday, if their personalities celebrate it, and if they believe it is capitalized too much, these are the answers.
Gabrielle Rushing, junior, expresses, “I like Valentine’s Day when I have people to share with because I like the aspect of being all lovey with my friends and partner. As of now, I celebrate it because I have a boyfriend and I like showing him my love. Yes, businesses capitalize on it too much because they try to get their stuff off their shelves.¨
Although she acknowledged that it was crazy that stores try to tell bears and candies right after Christmas she in her words ¨doesn’t care because it doesn’t bother me.”
Conner Carney, junior, explained, “Personally, Valentine’s Day is a time to share love, and even if you are not in a relationship with someone it can be for friends. It’s like a caring time of the year. Also, it’s pink. I do celebrate it every year but not like crazy because I have not dated anyone. I never thought about whether it was a good or bad thing that businesses put things out early but they should wait until February. I just love the color scheme.”
Adam Karas, junior, replied, “I enjoy the holiday because I can spend it with my girlfriend. I celebrate it every year because of my girlfriend; before that, I celebrated it with my mom. I don’t think they capitalize on it too much.”
In conclusion, while it’s true that Valentine’s Day has been signified commercialized, it doesn’t negate its validity as a holiday. Its historical roots run deep, and how it’s celebrated is up to the individual. Whether you choose to buy into it or not, it’s still a day dedicated to expressing love with friends, partners, and family nonetheless