CTE Programs At Lake Shore


Rebekah Reed

Next school year you could see some changes to the classes offered at Lake Shore High School. Due to declining student enrollment, a few of the CTE classes could be dropped. These classes are interior design, architecture, and mechanical engineering.

The CTE teacher, Melissa Todaro, and the kids who took the classes talked about what they loved most about the classes and what they’re all about.  Todaro says that she loves teaching all of her classes.

Many students also mentioned that they love her class just as much as she loves teaching it. Isobel Wharff, who took the interior design class said, “I love this class very much. It’s a very good atmosphere and I love the projects we do.”

Miles Huffman also said how he “loves the amount of creative freedom they have.”

The other students in her classes agreed that it was pretty easy.

Mira Felczak said as long as “you just do the work it’s easy, and Todaro is pretty lenient as long as you communicate with her.”

Overall, many students grow to love these classes even if they thought they would hate it at first. The environment, the teacher, and the class content are all things students have enjoyed.

A student in Todaro’s interior design class, Arizona Borkowski, mentioned that she would “highly recommend taking the course.”

Many kids don’t know a lot about these classes, but Todaro gave us a few facts that she felt would help kids want to take her class even more.

She said, “If you take at least 2 years of my classes, that replaces your foreign language credit and it helps you receive a cord for graduation.”

She also mentioned that her “architectural and mechanical class count as a senior math credit if taken in your senior year.”

The love that Todaro and her students show for these classes can make anyone want to join the courses and see the experience for themselves. From doing projects as small as making a collage, to building cardboard boats, anyone can learn to enjoy themselves while learning.