Ping Pong Club Bounces Into Lake Shore

Susan Kohl is a building substitute at Lake Shore High School who started her very own ping pong club, with the assistance of Mrs. Kominiarek, an Algebra 1, and Geometry teacher at Lake Shore High School

Kohl explains her reasoning for starting the club she states, “I started this club because my son showed some interest in ping pong and didn’t really want to do three sports, so I thought this would be kind of a fun alternative to getting him more involved with school activities. So, I started the club.” 

Kohl says, “I don’t know of any other schools that have a ping pong club in the area so it’s definitely something I am interested in looking into for the future.” With Lake Shore being one of the only schools in the district to have this club, it will be interesting to see if any other schools follow in Lake Shore’s footsteps to have competitions and scholarship possibilities.

Kohl isn’t by herself when it comes to running Lake Shore’s ping pong club. She says, “My husband will be assisting me in this club because he knows more about Ping pong, but we are definitely open to adding more to the club as we progress.” And, they are hopeful to make the ping pong club successful.

When asked about the possibility of the club having scholarship benefits, Kohl said, “No scholarships at this time. we are brand new and learning as I go.”

The ping pong club is expected to start Tuesday, October 11. Kohl is uncertain of the future of the club in competition but is sure it will have great growth, saying, “Well since we are in the infancy of the club, I don’t have any expectations at this point. I am not even sure if we will have any students show up. We hope to have some interest of course!  But our initial goal is to have kids play some ping pong,  compete against each other, and have fun!  If there is interest in competing with other schools, I’m all for that as well.  As I said, this is all new for me and I am excited to see how it works out.”